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Merchandise delivery in Montreal: what types of vehicles can be used?

Photo Transport Marchandise Montréal

Merchandise delivery in Montreal: what types of vehicles can be used?

Quebec’s economy is closely linked to trade with other provinces and the United States. The Montreal region has long been a hub for merchandise arrival and dispatch. In Greater Montreal, trucking is essential to the day-to-day service of airports, harbors, railway terminals, shops and manufacturing companies as part of on-time deliveries.

But are all types of trucks authorized to circulate on Montreal roads? This a question worth asking.

Regulations surrounding merchandise delivery by truck in Montreal

To ensure that freight trucks and other drivers on the Montreal highway system can circulate as effortlessly as possible, truckers must adhere to specific rules and use a network of designated streets.

Strict regulations therefore apply to truckers that deliver merchandise on the island of Montreal. More specifically, from a legislative point of view, it is important to understand exactly what the term “truck” means. According to the City of Montreal, it is a road vehicle, other than an emergency vehicle, with a gross vehicle weight of 4,500 kg or more, designed and constructed primarily for the transport of goods or for the transport of permanently attached equipment and operating accessories. This means that trucks with 30-foot closed boxes and even 10-wheel tractors paired with a 53-foot trailer have the option of traveling on some of the city’s main thoroughfares.

To respect the Montreal urban agglomeration trucking map, merchandise transporters must therefore use predetermined routes to avoid fines ranging from $175 to $575, in accordance with the Quebec Highway Safety Code.

 Signs for delivery trucks in Montreal

Truck drivers that venture into Montreal should expect to encounter a variety of traffic signs that are specifically addressed to them. This strategy aims to maintain the peace and quiet in residential neighborhoods. Truckers must therefore take these notices into consideration if they want to avoid a fine. Essentially, these signs are mostly intended to warn truckers that they are about to enter a prohibited area for heavy traffic, with the exception of local delivery.

In reality, truck transport contributes to the economic growth of a city. It should therefore not be assumed that it is strictly forbidden to enter these areas while driving a truck but that if the deliveryman’s destination is not in the zone, he is not allowed to use it to shorten his itinerary. You might therefore encounter a heavy goods vehicle on a narrow street in Little Italy and realize that it might be a delivery truck heading towards the Jean-Talon market.

 Vehicles suited for delivery in Montreal

For reasons of schedule flexibility, vans and minivans are very popular in Montreal as they are not subject to trucking regulations. Many parcel delivery companies therefore have a fleet of more compact vehicles that enable them to freely travel around the districts and save the most time. At a time when online shopping is on the rise, home deliveries are increasingly common.

In short, all types of road vehicles are authorized to travel on Montreal roads. However, their drivers must be aware of the regulations surrounding permitted and prohibited areas. Far from seeking to restrict economic activity, these measures aim to increase the fluidity of the road network and the tranquility of residential neighborhoods.

To learn about the delivery possibilities offered by Transport Econo Nord, do not hesitate to contact our team. It will be our pleasure to inform you about solutions tailored to your merchandise and transport areas.