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Can the freight transport sector go green?


Can the freight transport sector go green?

Road transport is the most important form of freight transportation in Canada. Thanks to its speed and flexibility, road transportation is preferred by the majority of businesses in Quebec to supply all the needs of the population.

However, with current environmental concerns — including concerns about greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions — the transportation sector has no choice but to adapt to these new realities.

But can the freight transport sector become green? Our experts tackle the subject for you in this article.

Improving transport vehicles for greener solutions

Bearing in mind that road transport is a sector that pollutes and that freight transport generates 40% of all greenhouse gas emissions, improving equipment in the truck transport sector would be an ecologically friendly solution.

This could be achieved by replacing older engines with newer and more environmentally friendly equipment, exploring the use of electric trucks or switching to greener and less polluting fuels than diesel.

Working on vehicle aerodynamics to reduce fuel consumption and performing regular maintenance are also some improvements that could lead to a greener freight transportation sector.

Improving freight transport logistics

With the rise of e-commerce, 200 million tonnes of goods are transported in Quebec per year, including 92 million tonnes in Montreal alone. This quantity of goods generates about 10 million truck journeys, not counting those intended to supply the needs of the population.

With this in mind, transportation companies have an incentive to look at options that produce lower GHG emissions.

Improving the logistics chains for freight transportation would make it easier to prevent certain delivery vehicles from taking unnecessary routes and driving empty on Quebec’s road network. Certain software programs are available to optimize LTL road transport shipments, enabling companies to improve their transportation logistics.

Implementing environmental policies

Freight transport can become greener with the implementation of environmental policies. For example, in 2018, the Quebec government unveiled the Sustainable Mobility Policy 2030: Transporting Quebec Towards Modernity, which aims for new ways of thinking about the movement of people and goods.

With the goal of reducing GHG emissions from transportation by 37.5% by 2030, this policy will pave the way for the freight transportation sector to implement greener solutions.

When freight transport becomes greener

In short, although it seems complex to make the freight transportation sector green, there are a number of solutions that can help companies take part in a greener movement.

If you want to learn more about freight transportation or simply do business with a company that cares about the environment, we welcome you to contact Transport Econo Nord. Our team specializes in road transportation in Quebec and will be able to meet your needs.